From From The Ashes Wiki
Alec: | Tread lightly. |
Bankara: | Presumption doesn't speak well of anyone, least of all a Theurge. Fortunately for you, beggars can't be choosers. |
Bit | There are days I'm tempted to snap my teeth just to see how fast you can run, but - most of the time - I'm just happy to see someone helping out. |
Cormac | For the love of god, will you please stop. howling. |
Hina | For someone who talks a fair bit, you don't say much, do you? Outside of your performances, of course; it goes without saying that what I've seen of those has been quite lovely. |
Jim | I'll grudgingly admit that I might have been a little harsh with you, at first. But only a little. |
Jack | ...Hm. |
Jamila | Didn't expect the armchair quarterbacking, but - in the interests of giving credit where credit's due - you raised some fair points. |
Kai | Maybe the truth isn't worth it. Maybe it is. In the end, it'll come down to what you do with it. |
Kaminari | You'll make this right. I just hope you remember not to face it alone. |
Katie | Six months? How on earth did that happen? |
Liesl | Though I haven't figured out your angle just yet, I'd be an idiot to assume you don't have one... |
Marc | ...And the same goes for you, even if it is to a far lesser extent. I wasn't expecting this level of courtesy, or respect. Just what are you two playing at? |
Maya | You could have told us everything, in a timely manner. You chose not to. Whose mistake do you suppose that is, exactly? |
Misti: | You're a talented performer. That said, your ability to take so much so personally seems like it's liable to get exhausting, after a while. |
Oliver | Where you go, I go. |
Pax | You're quick on your feet, and good with your claws, but I'm still curious to see what else you can bring to the table. |
Preston | Mn. Well. That's unfortunate. |
Rei | You remind me so much of someone I used to know. (...) To be honest, I can't say for sure if even he would know what to do with you. |
Sera | Safe travels. And while I'm sure you'll have no shortage of people telling you as much, I hope you know that my door's always open. |
Shadi | As strangely heartening as it is to know that even wunderkind can make mistakes sometimes, I think I speak for the both of us when I say that it doesn't hurt to be reminded that you are still young, and, more importantly, still learning. |
Skylar | The word 'liability' comes to mind. |
Warez | No pressure. |
Xavier | I'm going to do what I can to take your words at face value, but you'll forgive me if, for now, I opt for a 'wait and see' approach. |
Zach | While I prefer to avoid making those kinds of-- wildly uncomfortable first impressions, I already have enough blood on my hands. I wasn't looking forward to adding more. |