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Revision as of 22:20, 11 February 2016 by Sera (talk | contribs)
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  • Noble lineage - Serafina Anastasia Violetta Sokolov, Fostern Philodox, Lady of House Unbreakable of the Silver Fangs, scion of Falcon and child of the Sept of Green in New York City
  • New York, New York - Sera is from New York, born and raised. Her family lives in Manhattan, but they keep close ties to the Jewish communities in the outer boroughs.
  • Fresh Off the Boat - Serafina has just arrived in Detroit and in no way was she prepared for what she found. Mortals look at her with distrust as well as fear and there's no Sept to be found. She's lost in the sea. Anyone want to throw her a brightly colored life preserver?
  • Every Thing in its Place - Serafina is obsessed with organization and planning. She plans everything and is utterly meticulous. Disrupt her day and see what happens.
  • Judging Souls - As a Judge of Gaia she finds herself dedicated to the cause of justice and truth in a dismal world. This applies to everyone, not just the Garou. Sera's views of mortal justice differ from society's.