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Revision as of 17:19, 29 September 2017 by Dog Thing (talk | contribs)
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Bankara: Presumption doesn't speak well of anyone, least of all a Theurge. Fortunately for you, beggars can't be choosers.
Derek A wedding ceremony. ...That's it?
Jim There is a marked difference between 'conjecture' and 'observed fact.' I suggest you learn it.
Kai I'll reserve judgment. For now.
Kaminari The pampered lifestyle is a bit concerning, but given your active engagement with the problems this cesspit faces, I find it hard to complain about it.
Maya I think you'll find that my definition of what constitutes an ally isn't nearly as permissive as Sokolov's. Nonetheless, what she says goes.
Oliver Where you go, I go.
Sera I don't envy you your position here. 'Alpha' is rarely a forgiving role, even if it can be a rather fulfilling one. Here, I imagine it's neither.
Shadi You're a little too young to be quite this-- involved, but I can't argue with your results. Still, it'd be nice if 'discretion' entered into your vocabulary as more than a ten cent word on a term paper.
Skylar If it makes you feel any better: I don't trust you, either.