Alma/Personal Logs

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What is the Unmaker?

Alma contacts her mentor to to catch up and mention that, no shit, she met a Raven. Oh btw, What is the unmaking? Also, we will experiment with Time and Space. (nothing could possibly go wrong)


Hi None,

Maria is still quiet, but she is very involved in the journalism and literary magazine club at school. Her grades haven't changed. I think she's coping well.

Things are less stressed with me. I'm balancing work on the grant and dissertation with community and volunteering. There is a student club at school, and I'm trying to rope people in to doing elder care work. It takes education. The Ruth Ellis center I told you about owns a small building around upper midtown. They have enough space for some classes and group therapy. I've learned enough to start helping the kids there.

I met a Raven! He brought in one of my flyers to apply for internship. I got really weird vibes, so Note went to check him out. He knows a lot! He can change shape to a Raven. I have no idea how he does it. It's amazing. I brainstormed a little with him about how many spirits can live in a body. And whether it's just humans sharing bodies. At this point, I'm wondering what it means to be a body. He didn't seem as interested in that, but he may have been busy. He handed me his paperwork and dashed out.

He seems more open to Note than to me. He mentioned something about the Unmaker and the Wyrm to her, but when I asked he didn't pursue the conversation. Maybe he isn't sure I know enough. I don't know. Since he didn't pick up that thread, I let it go.

When he comes back, I'm going to brainstorm with him on exploring a site with Time. I haven't had a chance to do this yet. I was going to do it on my own and then suggest locations for sensor to my interns (only one so far!) based on roosts and feeding and such. But this person knows about alterable reality! We can work on experiments together.

Meanwhile, where can I get information on this Unmaking thing? I'm alarmed at the idea, but I'm hoping my imagination is worse than the reality.