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Latest revision as of 01:06, 19 January 2018

The power elite is a term used by American sociologist C. Wright Mills to describe a relatively small, loosely connected group of individuals who dominate American policy making. This group includes bureaucratic, corporate, intellectual, military, media, and government elites who control the principal institutions in the United States and whose opinions and actions influence the decisions of the policymakers.

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Aaron: I am starting to believe I need him here.
Ahana: Well. That happened.
Alma: Please. You're embarrassing yourself.
Arthur: So we're just letting anyone in? Fine. I just didn't know that's what we were doing.
Aster: I'm sorry, I don't follow?
Emma: We're trying to do something here. Do you not understand that?
Ezekiel: We all start somewhere, I suppose.
Kai: I. Um. Could we? Um. You... Those boots are... fun?
Maya: Have you at any point, ever, taken a note, or stopped to consider what you're doing?
Rei: I deeply do not understand what's going on. How is this not a giant liability?
Riley: Try a little harder. I think someone in the back might not have noticed that you think this is bullshit.
Roland: Um, don't you live in my building?
Sera: Oh my God. Is this what other people think I'm like?
Graham: Wait. Is THIS what other people think I'm like?!
Wednesday: It's really all starting to grow on me. He doesn't feel like he's trying.
Zach: Oh my God. You're the useful one?

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RP Hooks
Awakened: Alex is always interested in meeting up with other Mages. Even some sorcerers might manage to make the cut.
Chantry: There needs to be some sort of organization in Detroit. And anyway, why are we even doing this without a bunch of secret codes and ciphers?
Status: Order of Hermes Alex is part of a long, distinguished lineage of will-workers and sorcerers. As such, she is a person of some respect for other Order members and the generally well-bred of mystical society. This carries some level of notoriety. Alex's mentor, Bunny, is a noted architect.
City Employee: The City of Detroit Department Urban Planning and Development is short staffed and overworked, especially for a city as willing to innovate as Detroit. Al works there. She's apt to show up at any meeting or organization in which a city employee might be present, particularly one concerned with public space or the city plan.
Barfly: In her own way, Al is something of an alcoholic and drug addict. She loves the trendier, more upscale bars around the city, and is on good, if shallow, terms with many of it's bartenders. Warning: Al does not fuck around. Alternately, do you sell weed? Al would be interested in purchasing as much as is available.
I went to school in New Haven: Oh, the sweater? Al got it while she was an undergrad. And you know how laundry day is. It's frankly a little embarrassing, to be caught walking around like you're in your house. Oh, you probably called them 'dorms' but in New Haven they're 'houses'. Well, a bit like Harry Potter.

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Alexandra Elizabeth Van Der Rohe

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Full Name: Alexandra Elizabeth Van Der Rohe
Craft Name: Hypolita Germaine bani Fortunae
Date of Birth: 2/14/1994 (Age 24)

Tradition: Order of Hermes
House: Fortunae
Rank: Adept

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 125lbs
Hair: Blond
Eyes: Blue

Demeanor: Activist

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Played By: Taylor Schilling