The Supremes/Disclaimer

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My model of running role playing games can sometimes catch people unawares so I'm going to disclose it here. I believe you need three things for a good story to be role through role playing:

  • First, you need to have a setting that's well considered, and an initial impulse to get the story moving - I provide that.
  • Second, you need an eye for plausibility, versimilitude -- events need to make sense within the agreed upon bounds of the story and good sense; if you punch someone in the face, they get angry (most of the time) - I provide this, but players are also responsible for some of it.
  • Third, you need players who are here to play their characters - and this is something you must bring me. I will not promise you that you will find your character in the situations you imagined for them when you made them. I will not promise you that your characters will thrive here. What I promise you is that their lives in Detroit will not be boring as long as they do more than cower in the freehold or their apartments. I offer you an interesting place for your character to live an interesting life. Let's play.