The Renunciate:
Dragged through the trauma of her First Change at the age of 33, Sandra is clearly doing her best to make up for lost time. With the bearing of a hardened veteran, and plenty of battle scars to prove her worth as a soldier, she is every inch a Get of Fenris-- until she opens her mouth and says otherwise. A recent renunciate - with, apparently, the kind of ruthlessness and intelligence necessary to be accepted by the Shadow Lords in spite of it - she's in Detroit with explicit marching orders: to help the local Garou shore up their defenses, and spearhead the effort to disrupt Damian Shaw's plans for the city by any means necessary. Whether this proves that her acceptance into the ranks of such an elite tribe is a joke in and of itself, or her superiors actually think she's up to the task, has yet to be seen.
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Sandra has an effective Rage rating of 6, which means she's moved past the natural, "safe" (heh) threshold, and into something a bit more dangerous. She doesn't have any nifty tricks to mitigate the effects. Bottom line, 76% of all humans and animals are inclined to avoid her, while supernaturals with a Willpower rating below 6 will most often be a little (or a lot) nervous around her. While she isn't against being left alone, she is painfully aware that this makes her highly visible to anyone who knows what to look for, and thus, actively avoids being out in public. This goes triple-- quadruple for being out on full moons, when she is most often found locating something to mangle. If I as player seem disinclined to join a public scene, seem fussy about your choice of locale for a scene we're setting up, or suddenly leave one because it's getting crowded, it's nothing personal: it's just a reflection of how she chooses to conduct herself ICly.
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Tread lightly.
Presumption doesn't speak well of anyone, least of all a Theurge. Fortunately for you, beggars can't be choosers.
There are days I'm tempted to snap my teeth just to see how fast you can run, but - most of the time - I'm just happy to see someone helping out.
If they didn't know where CYC was before, they sure as hell do now
Out of curiosity-- just how badly did you screw up to get this assignment?
For someone who talks a fair bit, you don't say much, do you? Outside of your performances, of course; it goes without saying that what I've seen of those has been quite lovely.
...No. On second thought, I was exactly as harsh as I needed to be.
Don't you ever pull that bullshit on me again.
You'll get used to it. Eventually. ...Unfortunately.
I'm willing to write the attitude off as shellshock this time around, but all the same: you can always tell a Philodox by the levels of 'high and mighty' he has in his tone, and that goes double for the Children of Gaia.
I should have had a better idea of who I was dealing with when I made that suggestion. I'm sorry I put you through that. ...Frankly, I'm sorry I put me through that.
You'll make this right. I just hope you remember not to face it alone.
Six months? How on earth did that happen?
For what it's worth: if I wasn't guarded, I'd be dead by now.
*teeth-grinding noises*
I'd still like to know what this 'punishment' is about-- and why it includes both you and your ward.
You could have told us everything, in a timely manner. You chose not to. Whose mistake do you suppose that is, exactly?
One raw nerve, surrounded by a minefield.
Whatever it is, however it plays out, we have to keep telling ourselves-- telling each other-- that we'll get through this. Both of us. Where you go, I go.
You're quick on your feet, and good with your claws, but I'm still curious to see what else you can bring to the table.
Mn. Well. That's unfortunate.
You remind me so much of someone I used to know. (...) To be honest, I can't say for sure if even he would know what to do with you.
Safe travels. And while I'm sure you'll have no shortage of people telling you as much, I hope you know that my door's always open.
As strangely heartening as it is to know that even wunderkind can make mistakes sometimes, I think I speak for the both of us when I say that it doesn't hurt to be reminded that you are still young, and, more importantly, still learning.
The word 'liability' comes to mind.
No pressure.
I'm going to do what I can to take your words at face value, but you'll forgive me if, for now, I opt for a 'wait and see' approach.
While I prefer to avoid making those kinds of-- wildly uncomfortable first impressions, I already have enough blood on my hands. I wasn't looking forward to adding more.
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Sandra had, prior to her renunciation, en-massed a respectable amount of renown. Characters in a position to dig for this information, provided they have what they need to move forward on curating it (such as prior deed names/etc), should get in contact with me OOCly to see if they can get their hands on the details. (In some cases, this history is freely offered, but as it's bad form to acknowledge one's former life prior to changing tribes, these instances are quite rare). Additionally, her bloodline has a rather "interesting" history of its own, but few outside the Get of Fenris have access to that information.
Sandra hunts fomori for sportGlory on a semi-regular basis. If you're up for goring a Gorehound or two and need a second pair of claws, you only need but ask. She's 100% guaranteed to drop whatever it is she's doing, and join the hunt without batting an eye. Though this obviously applies to other threats, taking out this particular type of prey is something of a specialty.
She's been heading up a push to centralize most, if not all of the information that the Garou have acquired over the years. If someone knows something she doesn't about what's going on in the city - no matter how inconsequential it seems - she wants to hear about it.
She's not just a capable fighter, she's actually a fairly good teacher. The things she knows - well, most of the things she knows, within reason - she's willing to teach to other members of the sept. Most of the time, there's no need to bargain for it, but the more complicated the training becomes, the more likely she is to ask for a trade of some kind.
She has a number of tasks that she needs willing and able Garou, kin, and/or various allies to put some work into. Be this gathering information, or conducting raids, she can be contacted or approached any time about a number of possible assignments. Once they've been accepted, she'll want regular updates about-- pretty much anything she's not directly involved in, so she can be expected to reach out if it's been 'too long' since she's heard anything back. (NOTE: a number of these were reported on during the March moot, but there are others waiting in the wings. Please be sure to get in contact via pages, or, if I don't respond immediately, via @mail if you're interested in having your character put nose to grindstone.)
Wyrm Lore:
Sandra is better acquainted with the Wyrm than most, though it may take some digging for her to out this fact. If anyone else happens to know more than she does about a given subject, however, they'll find that she's an incredibly avid listener.
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Full Name:
Cassandra Ulrich
Rite Name:
Date of Birth:
2/1/1980 (Age 45)
Shadow Lords
Fostern (Renown)
Sept Role:
Qui Curat, under Crow
Pure Breed:
3 (Get of Fenris/Inactive)
Face Model:
Robin Wright
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