New Backgrounds
For a complete list and description of the standard Backgrounds, please see p. 110-119 of V20.
A hunter with firearms can perform simple tasks with weapons such as cleaning a gun, but without a stocked armory, it’s difficult to keep weapons in a fire-ready condition. Your hunter has managed to amass a functional armory along with the ability to maintain all of the weapons within it. Each level of the Armory Background yields access to more potent weapons along with proper ammunition and the resources to properly maintain and clean them.
The scope of this Background varies a bit by region, as weapons-control laws that exist in various locations around the world do so, too. What an American can buy in a department store, for example, might be the sole domain of the military in Romania, and players who wish to invest points in Armory should consult with their Storytellers to determine the specifics of how it will work in the chronicle’s locality. The Storyteller may require the player to invest a few points in another Background (such as certain types of Influence or legal or military Allies) to protect the individual and the Armory from confiscation by authorities. An Armory can vanish in a fraction of the time it took to amass it, particularly if the curator is prone to rants about blood-sucking monsters and the corruption that goes all the way to the top.
For more details on specific weapons, including game mechanics, see V20, pp. 280-281. Players may opt to pool Background points for a shared Armory. See pp. 118-119 of V20 for more information on pooled Backgrounds.
• You have an excellent starter armory that includes many legal weapons commonly available on the street. This also includes access to a quantity of extra weapons, as relevant to the regional culture.
•• You have access to enough legal weaponry to outfit a street gang of ten men.
••• You could start your own small militia. As well, you can outfit five individuals with weaponry that exists in a legal gray area for the region, which most civilians would have a difficult time obtaining.
•••• You have an Armory appropriate to a SWAT team in a major city, including some military-grade hardware. You have enough to outfit a ten-man team. Be careful where you use it, because without other appropriate backgrounds, you may find yourself under official scrutiny for possessing weaponry that exists outside the realm of the legal.
••••• Your Armory is the envy of paramilitary forces around the world. You have the tools to clean and repair almost any personal weapon manufactured in the world. You have access to a significant quantity of weapons that are illegal in most countries, and enough of them to field your own platoon. If this armory were discovered by authorities, your hunter would be in serious danger of going to jail for a long time — assuming there’s no armed standoff that threatens him more immediately.
Base of Operations
A Base of Operations is a secure location controlled and owned by your hunter. This is a place your hunter can rest, train, and plan his next attacks. A hunter’s base could be as simple as an unfurnished apartment, as grand as a senator’s mansion, or as complex as a military base. Players who elect to purchase this Background must divide their points among three different categories, described below. As well, the purchase of this Background may be pooled as per the Background pooling systems on p. 118-119 of V20.
Luxury is the measure of the quality of appointments inside the base. The level of Luxury ranges from spare to opulent, corresponding closely to the Resources Background of equal values (see pp. 115-116 of V20).
• You bought your furniture at a thrift store or other modest vendor.
•• Your base has been decorated and outfitted modestly. You have the basics expected of modern First World lifestyles (where appropriate).
••• Your base is one of relative comfort, with a host of amenities.
•••• Your base offers a luxurious respite from the horrible reality of killing vampires, and is unique in both design and appearance.
••••• Your base exhibits a degree of ostentation that only the extremely wealthy or celebrities usually enjoy.
Size represents the volume of the base of operations and the amount of space that comprises it. While the sizes and room counts give suggested sizes and room counts, players are encouraged to be creative if they so wish — imagine an open temple layout of no true “rooms,” or a converted service hallway that’s long and narrow but has multiple access points to various locations inside the city center.
• A small apartment or underground chamber: 1 to 2 rooms
•• A large apartment or small family home; 3 to 4 rooms
••• A warehouse, church, or large home; 5 to 8 rooms or a large enclosure
•••• A mansion or network of tunnels; 9-15 rooms or chambers
••••• A sprawling estate or vast network of subway tunnels; 20+ rooms
Security represents how tough it is to break into the base. Each dot of security adds one to the difficulty of any roll to penetrate the base or adds one to the number of successes required to gain access. (Players and Storytellers should agree on this function before the story begins.)
• You have locks on the doors on the base, but not much else.
•• The doors have deadbolts and the windows have strong bars, or you may have a dog that barks to warn you when someone comes too close to the base. Your base is relatively secure from ordinary threats.
••• The base is secure but not impenetrable, relying on a modern set of locks, physical protection such as bars over the windows, electronic security measures such as alarm systems, and standard electronic monitoring such as security cameras.
•••• Your base is protected by all of the security features for the previous level and then some. On par with restricted governmental buildings or even prisons, your base of operations has reinforced walls, sectionalized access throttles, and perhaps even several panic rooms or hidden chambers. You have invested a considerable about of time and effort to keep people out of your base.
••••• Your base is protected by all of the security features offered by the previous levels. Additionally, your base is protected by one or more unique features such as a remote location, geographical boundary such as a waterfall or mountain pass, and/ or possible occult protections, like being visible only by moonlight. (Players and Storytellers should come to an agreement on the nature of such daunting and one-of-a-kind protections.)
An unknown spiritual entity has chosen to aid you in your quest to hunt vampires due to fate, destiny or whim. Such guides rarely appear in the open and instead prefer to push their agenda via dreams, signs, and portents. Some might appear as a ghost in a mirror, while others might show themselves as an ages-old portrait of a long-dead family member who offers advice or shudder-inducing environmental effect, like a room forever shrouded in conscious shadow. Generally such entities are very interested in the welfare (or at least foibles) of mortals, but have hidden motives to attempt to encourage certain types of behavior in their companions. Crafty, knowledgeable in magical concerns and possessed of inhuman senses, these beings have much to offer their patrons. They aren’t necessarily ghosts or spirits, but may well be among the less classifiable anomalies of the World of Darkness.
Nothing is free, of course, and this relationship is likely a two-way street. Guides may expect special treatment, including food, shelter, companionship, and even mysterious supernatural necessities. Perhaps even blood…. Players seeking to invest in the Guide Background should cooperate with the Storyteller to create an interesting, unique personality that has good reason to share the character’s fate and influence her behavior.
• Weak Guide: An entity with limited occult knowledge that can only affect the world with great difficulty. It is not always reliably available and may occasionally provide incorrect information.
•• Minor Guide: This entity knows a good deal about the occult and vampires, but finds affecting the material world difficult and thus will only do it when it suits its goals. Your guide will help you, but is fairly limited in what it can do, especially as regards being able to manipulate physical objects.
••• Apt Guide: A guide of this strength may well be a known entity in the spirit world. She will aid you with knowledge and training and when appropriate fight for you, potentially wielding minor Numina for you.
•••• Strong guide: Your guide is quite powerful, and potentially a significant personage in the realms of spirits or the dead. This entity has major experience with the occult and is aware of turns of the vampire world. She is willing to assist you with major Numina once per story.
••••• Puissant Guide: This entity can walk between the worlds of spirit and material with two major Numina powers. It may assist the hunter if it feels appropriate, but may well demand favors or obeisance in return.
Merits and Flaws
For a complete list and description of the standard Merits and Flaws, see the Appendix of V20, beginning on p. 479.
New Flaw: Combat Novice (2pt. Flaw)
You might talk a good game, but you’ve never been around real violence and when it happens, you’re not likely to respond well. When confronted with gunfire or obvious, brutal combat (blood drawn, stab wounds, bones breaking), or any kind of supernatural violence, the player rolls Willpower (difficulty 7). If this roll fails, the character either freezes in place (if her Courage is higher than her Self-Control) or flees the area (if her Self-Control is higher than her Courage).
The player must make this roll for every scene in which she witnesses a violent occurrence, but if she accumulates five successes, no further rolls need be made for that night of game time. An especially gory show of violence can reset the character’s total, however, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
Addicted to Vampire Blood (3pt. Flaw)
You constantly need the rush that only vampire blood can give you. You feel empty and listless otherwise. This is a very dangerous habit and can only be overcome via complete abstention (and likely no small amount of therapy). Anytime you have access to Kindred vitae and wish to resist the urge to feed, the Storyteller may require a Self-Control roll. If you have not tasted vampire blood in over a week, you suffer a progressive +1 difficulty to these rolls until you quench your thirst.
Black and White (1pt. Flaw)
The world is really a collection of shades of gray, but your character doesn't see it that way. To you, everything is clear as black and white. You think in terms of people being either for or against you, hot or cold, good or evil, easy or impossible, stupid or genius. This closed mindset can cost you dearly in missed opportunities, misunderstandings and under or overestimation of others. In social situations where your judgmental perspective comes to bear, the difficulties of associated rolls increase by one.
Detached (4pt. Merit)
Your hunter has the rare ability to view his psychic abilities as separate from his physical existence and can maintain this distance even under adverse conditions. Wound penalties don’t affect your use of Psychic Numina until your character reaches Incapacitated. If she's Incapacitated, then you may spend a Willpower point to use a Psychic Numina power at half the normal dice pool (rounded down). This action may be performed only once per scene, after which the character falls unconscious, so choose last-ditch efforts carefully. Note: This Merit may be used in conjunction only with Psychic Numina.
Physical Merits and Flaws
Hemophiliac (3pt. Flaw)
You suffer from hemophilia. If you are cut, you will not stop bleeding without medical help. If your character suffers lethal or aggravated damage, you suffer an additional level of bashing damage every five minutes until your wound has been dressed to stop the bleeding. Any vampire who bites you may “dress” such wounds and end the ongoing bashing damage by licking the injury after she bites you.
Equipment Merits
Occult Library (2- or 4pt. Merit)
You own an estimable collection of works on arcane lore. If you have access to your library, you can lower the difficulty of Intelligence-, Occult-, or research-related rolls by 1 when attempting to solve an occult mystery or generally learn more about the occult. You have convenient access to some knowledge. If you have purchased the 4-point version of this Merit, you also have an Occult Laboratory stocked with the strange and rare ingredients you might need for your Numina rituals.
Science Laboratory (2pt. Merit)
You have access to a fully stocked laboratory with functional scientific apparatus and research equipment. When you have access to your laboratory, you can perform experiments, run tests and collect data, and lower your difficulty by 2 for relevant Investigation or Science rolls, or lower the difficulty by 1 for other appropriate rolls (as determined by the Storyteller) while using the equipment.
Supernatural Merits and Flaws
Clear-Sighted (3pt. Merit)
You are not easily fooled by illusions. When faced with a supernatural illusion, such as those created by Obfuscate, Chimerstry, and the like, you may make a Perception+Alertness roll (difficulty equal to the opposing power's level +3) to see through the effect.
Pale Aura (2pt. Merit)
Any color your aura takes has a pale cast to it as though you were a vampire. Unless a vampire gains five or more successes on her Aura Perception roll, she discerns your aura as one belonging to the Kindred.
Poisonous Blood (5pt. Merit)
Due to mysterious circumstances, your blood is poisonous to vampires. Should a vampire drink from you, every blood point imbibed causes one health level of bashing damage to her. Vampires naturally resent mortals known to possess this blessing, and may well seek their destruction. Storytellers are encouraged to have an explanation for this aberration in their chronicles, though the player (and likely character) may not be immediately privy to such knowledge. Some examples include holy protection from a higher power, a rare ritual of protection, or even a genetic abnormality.
Psi Focus (3- or 5pt. Flaw)
You find it impossible to use your Psychic Numina without the aid of a focus; you require some aid or trigger to properly direct your powers. For 3 points, the character must gesture or speak a phrase or incantation for the power to work. For 5 points, the power requires a physical focus to work (such as crystals, a hypnotist's pocket watch, or a “lucky coin”).
Psychic Feedback (1-, 2-, or 6pt. Flaw)
You are gifted with potent Psychic Numina, but the use of these powers tires you. You sometimes experience minor cerebral hemorrhages from the strain of using your power. With the 1-point Flaw, the character experiences headaches or dizziness from each use of power. During stressful or taxing situations, the Storyteller may require a Stamina + Meditation roll (difficulty 7). If this rolls fails, the character experiences a brief state of pain or disorientation. All actions performed during the character’s next turn have their difficulties increased by 2. With the 2-point Flaw, you experience minor pain from use of the power. When activating a power, you must roll Intelligence + Awareness (difficulty 6) against the number of successes obtained while rolling to activate the power. If you gain fewer successes on the Intelligence + Awareness roll than on the power’s activation roll, the difference is treated as levels of bashing damage. With the 6-point Flaw, you suffer the same effect as per the 2-point flaw, but the damage is lethal damage, though the Intelligence + Awareness roll is still allowed.
Sanctuary (5pt. Merit)
You have a safe house that is a true sanctuary. Supernatural creatures must make a willpower check (difficulty 9) to enter your home without an invitation. It might be due some strange mystical occurrence, luck, a forgotten ritual, or perhaps your house stands on consecrated ground. This Merit must be assigned to a single building in which the character has a permanent residence. Good examples of a sanctuary might be a house, small apartment building, or a church.
Unsettling Effect (1- or 3pt Flaw)
Numina powers are often unnoticeable. However, something about your character’s Numina causes others to recognize that there's something weird going on. With the 1-point flaw, you have a single intangible power (like Telepathy or Psychometry) that generates a noticeable, perceptible effect. Perhaps subjects can feel the character paging through their minds or everyone around the psychic feels a swell of eerie emotions when she touches a resonant object. With the 3-point flaw, all of your intangible powers (including ones that you learn later) have some sort of unsettling effect, likely united by a shared “signature” or style of effect.
The Path of Cursing
The curse is one of the most ancient and potent forms of Hedge Magic. It can take many forms from the “evil eye” from the Mediterranean and the Middle East, the “jinx” of Hoodoo, or the “hex” of Eastern European folklore. Curses have been known to cause grave misfortune in a variety of forms from accidents, illnesses, and even death. At the core of a curse is maleficent intent toward an enemy. The Hedge Magician focuses her will, her directed hatred, toward her target and releases that intent in the form of harmful energy. The curse quickly afflicts its victim's life and slowly fades as the hateful energy dissipates.
The basic mechanic for Cursing is simple. The Hedge Magician determines what level of curse she wants to inflict (within her ability) and then spends one turn per level of severity gathering and honing her mystic hatred. Once the Hedge Magician is prepared, she discharges the curse in a cathartic fashion directly toward the target (who must be visible to her). Examples of a proper discharge include a scream, a dance, rending a puppet that represents her victim, or offensive gestures.
The player makes a Manipulation + Intimidation (Difficulty 7) activation roll to determine if the curse is successful and the duration of the curse as listed under Effects. Each level of the Path of Cursing allows for a greater range of misfortune to occur. Mechanically, takes the form of penalties to difficulties and eventually dice pools. The Storyteller should apply the effects of a curse carefully to ensure that this Numina Path does not overwhelm the entire chronicle. When mucking about with the threads of fate, a Hedge Magician runs the risk of entangling herself. Botching a curse will bring the effects back upon her three-fold, in which case, the curse intended for her enemy applies immediately to the Hedge Magician.
A Hedge Magician may attempt to banish any curse, even one of her own, but it isn’t easy. She must spend a Willpower point and roll Wits + Subterfuge roll (Difficulty 9). Each level of success reduces the level of the curse inflicted by a single rating. If the Hedge Magician botches, she suffers from the very curse she attempted to banish for the remainder of the original duration of the curse, with no further chance at breaking it. The Path of Cursing eventually takes a toll upon the human soul. Practitioners rarely live happy lives as the hate and anger required to fuel this path tends to twist their insides. Mechanically, this often translates into a low Humanity score for characters who practice this path. Storytellers are encouraged to require Humanity rolls for Hedge Magicians who have a high Humanity or who invoke curses more then once per month.
Roll: Manipulation + Intimidation (Difficulty 7)
Modifiers: N/A
Cost: 1 Willpower
Duration: Varies (see below)
Path of Curses Levels
• The victim suffers brief inconveniences such as dropping an object, saying something foolish, or a motorcycle running over her foot. (Mechanically, this is represented by the Storyteller adding a +1 difficulty to dice pools appropriate to the specified situation during the course of the duration of the curse.) For example, the injured foot might increase Athletics difficulties by 1, while saying something foolish might cause Etiquette difficulties to increase thus.
•• The victim suffers from a string of errors and bad luck that result in lasting injury or embarrassment such as stepping on a nail, breaking an heirloom, or catching a disease. Mechanically, this is represented by the Storyteller increasing the difficulty of rolls appropriate to the curse by 2 during the duration of the curse.
••• The victim suffers severe accidents and misfortune. Typical effects might be broken bones, loss of income, or grievous illness. Mechanically, this is represented by the Storyteller increasing the difficulty of rolls appropriate to the curse by 3 during the duration of the curse.
•••• The victim suffers from major catastrophes and chronic illnesses. Mechanically, this is represented by the Storyteller increasing the difficulty of rolls appropriate to the curse by 3 during the duration of the curse. In addition, the victim subtracts one from associated dice pools during appropriate moments in the story.
••••• Curses inflicted at this level are nigh upon Biblical in scope. Nothing goes right for the victim for the duration of the curse. Her life is an exercise in misery, and may well be accompanied by plagues of locusts, being stricken barren, or causing despair in those she meets. Mechanically, this is represented by the Storyteller increasing the difficulty of rolls appropriate to the curse by 4 during the duration of the curse. In addition, the victim subtracts two from associated dice pools during appropriate moments in the story. Invoking a curse of this magnitude requires a Humanity roll for those Hedge Magicians of Humanity 4 or greater.
The duration of a specific curse is determined by the number of successes achieved during the activation roll.
One success The next action
Two successes One Scene
Three successes One Day
Four successes One week
Five successes One month
Six + successes Up to one year, decided upon the activation of the curse
The Path of Divination
Many civilizations of the world believed that some men and women communed with the divine and brought forth wisdom and warnings of the future. Divination as a word was inspired by the Latin word divinare, meaning “to be inspired by a god.” Countless examples span the length and breadth of human history, from the prophets of the God of Abrahamic faiths to the crones and wise women of pagan ways to the shamans and medicine men of the New World and beyond. Hedge Magicians who practice this Numina Path have a unique method of communing with whatever metaphysical force they revere to glean insights into the future. Such methods are not always easy or quick, but can be effective if the Hedge Magician interprets the signs correctly.
The Hedge Magician must concentrate upon a single vexing decision or subject and then use an external focus (see below) to read the patterns of chance and happenstance in the world around her. By looking at the web of destiny, she can peer upon its strands to see what may happen, or even what will probably happen, if the magician is adept enough with her divination. The player makes an activation roll of Perception + Occult (Difficulty 7) to determine what she discerns.
Each success gained on the activation roll increases the level of clarity in the answer provided. A single success will result in a vague impression or muddle of possibilities while five successes indicate with some clarity which option will yield the best result. A botch will result in faulty information that may lead to danger or worse. A Hedge Magicians employing Divination may attempt to read another individual’s future, but must do so in the presence of that individual. Difficulties on rolls to perform this sort of Divination increase by 1.
Tools of Divination
The tools used to focus Divination are many, but all work equally well and according to the same principles, opening a conduit of sorts for the magician to peer through and see the essence of destiny itself. Magicians might use cards, carved fetishes, coins, tea leaves at the bottom of a cup, or the entrails of a recently slain animal. She might peer into a crystal ball, a mirror, or a pool of water. She might pray with a saint, walk in the woods, or simply watch for omens. Whichever option the player chooses for the character says something about the cultural origin of her Divination ability, as well.
Forecasting the Future
Divining the future may be described as considering a panoply of outcomes without a certain map of what will be. Divination can yield concrete and specific details, but some element of the unknown always exists. Storytellers, take care. The Path of Divination has the potential to reveal more information to the players before the appropriate time comes for optimal dramatic significance. Storytellers should attempt to reveal just enough information to whet the player’s appetite and offer guidance about possible scenarios that could lead to a better future. Offer choices, not concrete answers, and allow the players to make one. Storytellers are advised to focus on critical decision points that players can directly affect. It is important for players to have agency in the game and the ability to affect the outcome of a scenario, even if the odds are against them. Revealing that an earthquake will kill thousands might be exciting, but unless the players can change the outcome, they may lose interest in the scenario. By comparison, if the hunters have the opportunity to save a number of victims by freeing them from a vampire, then suddenly the players have a cause for which they can fight.
The Path of Divination can highlight dramatic tension in the chronicle by providing indicators of the escalation. A few suggestive images that represent potential crisis points can evoke anticipation and keep players on the edge of their seats. Teasing the answer is almost always better than providing a clear mandate.
Roll: Perception + Occult (Difficulty 7)
Modifiers: +1 difficulty to perform for Divination for others
Cost: Varies
Duration: A single revelation
Path of Divination Levels
• The Hedge Magician interprets signs or warnings about the state of her immediate circumstances, lowering the difficulty of her initiative rolls by 1. (For more information on initiative order and modifications, see p. 270 of V20.) Each success achieved on the activation roll extends this ability by an hour.
•• The Hedge Magician eliminates possible negative outcomes by comparing them beforehand. A Hedge Magician may ask the Storyteller, who represents the guiding metaphysical entity, for information to help determine the best choice for a simple decision. The player asks a question like "Should I join this stranger for a trip downtown?" The Storyteller then provides some amount of information in response that will help the player decide.
The Storyteller should consider a number of factors when answering such a question. What is the intent of the Hedge Magician asking the question? Is she asking which decision is safest? Is she looking for the quickest route to her goal? Which decision will have the greatest impact upon the current state of the chronicle? See “Forecasting the Future,” above for more information on handling such matters. Fate is not always kind to those who attempt to divine it. It might be that it is the character’s destiny to follow a stranger downtown where she will be attacked by a gang of ghouls, but it may be the path to determining the location of the vampire who commands them.
••• The Hedge Magician may sense patterns of chance allowing her to glean short-term information that follows specific decisions. A successful divination reveals information about the question as with the previous level, but also provides insight into the next set of decisions required for other available options. This degree of divination yields hints about the future, but also reveals one or more of the choices and consequences the character would face. To return to the example question, "Should I join this stranger for a trip downtown?", the player learns vital information via this power. The player would know that if the Hedge Magician travels with the stranger, faces physical danger (remember, she will be attacked). If she overcomes the danger, a new path awaits her. And if she refuses to the join the stranger, that same danger will visit itself upon another. In this situation, the player has many options and some amount of information on each, but the information is imperfect. The player relies more on impressions than hard-and-fast truths — which is the nature of Divination.
•••• The Hedge Magician is able to divine specific events in the future. These events are still not definite, but are much more likely than the nebulous possibilities above. If the individual changes her current behavior, these events become less likely. The details are still vague: "You will meet a man with whom you will share your heart," rather than "You will meet a forceful man wearing green who shall become your lover."
••••• The Hedge Magician gains the ability to sense clear and concrete details about the future and the ability to predict specific events with dependable certainty. She can now describe the man wearing green from the previous example in exact detail. In addition, she may know his name and intimate details about his life and future. This level of the Path of Divination requires the expenditure of a Willpower point and then requires an activation roll of Perception + Occult (Difficulty 8). The Storyteller may lower the difficulty by 1 to 3 if the caster has intimate knowledge of the subject, a prized possession of the target, or something personal such as a lock of the target’s hair or blood. The Hedge Magician may also communicate a subtle sense of the overall feel of her Divination to that person by spending an additional point of Willpower. This might take the form of a sense of foreboding if things are dangerous, or a sense of peacefulness if things are going well. The recipient of this sensation will not recognize it as any sort of communication, but rather experience it as something internal like a "gut feeling," as it were.
The Path of Healing
Healing the sick hasn’t always been the bailiwick of formally educated doctors armed with a battery of implements and medical databases. Ancient cultures sent their sick and wounded to a spirit medium who communed with the divine and used that knowledge to soothe pain and heal illnesses. The role of the healer might change, be it priest, wise woman, or witch, but the function remained the same. Healers used a combination of physical remedies and spiritualism to heal those in their flock and keep the community in good health.
The modern Path of Healing is a fusion of magic and ancient techniques. Hedge Magicians who have mastered this Numina Path can break a fever in moments or heal traumatic wounds to the body through spiritual means. The Medicine Knowledge is required for this path to be effective along with cultural elements such as meditation, prayer, singing, massage, or other techniques. Healing can exhaust a magician during the process and such healers often suffer from their incredible sensitivity and compassion. Should the player botch the roll, the character catches the ailment or withstands sympathetic damage from wounds. With Storyteller permission, a player may take the Path of Healing as a Psychic Numina Path instead of Hedge Magic. For more information about healing and health levels, see pp. 282-286 of V20.
Roll: Manipulation + Medicine (Difficulty 7)
Modifiers: +1 difficulty to perform for Healing on oneself, +1 difficulty if the subject is unwilling, +2 difficulty to perform Healing in a stressful environment (such as combat, while being interrogated, while trapped in a burning building, etc.)
Cost: Varies
Duration: Varies by effect (see below)
Path of Healing Levels
• Practitioners of the Path of Healing may examine patients with but a touch to instantly diagnose ailments, learn the nature of injuries, or discover genetic defects. Each success achieved on the activation roll provides additional relevant medical information.
•• A Hedge Magician with this level has a rudimentary control of her patient’s body and can stimulate the healing process. She can instantly cure sprains, severe headaches, flu, or minor infections without difficulty. With the expenditure of a Willpower point and a successful roll, the Hedge Magician can touch a patient to mitigate the pain of wounds or cure communicable diseases. Such illnesses include the common cold, flu, or even STDs. This level of the path does not cure serious maladies such as cancer or heart problems. Each success achieved on the activation roll negates any dice pool penalty from wounds that the subject suffers for ten minutes. For more information on the effects of damage and dice penalties, see pp. 282-286 of V20.
••• The Hedge Magician is able to heal broken bones and alleviate chronic but non-life threatening illnesses (such as arthritis, kidney stones, or asthma) with a single touch. Bashing and lethal damage wounds heal twice as fast as they normally would with the healer’s ministrations, and without infection. The Hedge Magician can also induce a healing trance-state to prevent bleed-outs or other medical trauma from killing a patient before proper surgery can be performed. Using this power requires a successful roll and the expenditure of a Willpower point.
•••• The Hedge Magician can stop and heal almost any injury with a single touch. On a successful roll, with the expenditure of a Willpower point, the Hedge Magician can instantly heal a single bashing or lethal damage on a patient. Each additional success gained from the activation roll heals one additional level of bashing or lethal damage. Healing lethal damage in this manner comes at a price, however. For each point of lethal damage healed, the Hedge Magician suffers from a dizzying migraine for an hour that causes all dice pool rolls during that time to incur +1 to their difficulties. The player may spend an additional Willpower to ignore this for a scene, however.
••••• The human body holds no mysteries to a Hedge Magician who has mastered this level of the Path of Healing. She can cure chronic and acute illnesses (such as cancer, AIDS, or strokes), remove genetic defects, or cleanse chemical addictions. Such treatment is difficult for the Hedge Magician and requires that the patient be under constant care for some time. The exact length of the treatment and other requirements should be determined by the Storyteller, but should generally be one-quarter the standard recovery times for such cases as indicated on pp. 285-286 of V20. Such sympathy comes at a cost to the body, and the Hedge Magician may suffer a +1 to +2 difficulty increase to all non-Healing related dice pools during the period of convalescence, as determined by the Storyteller. This need not be applicable for all uses of this power, only those that involve healing of the most debilitating of diseases or the most crippling of dependencies. In addition, the Hedge Magician can overcome the effects of supernatural trauma upon the body. With the expenditure of a Willpower point and a Manipulation + Medicine roll (difficulty 8), practitioners can instantly heal aggravated damage from a subject. Each success gained on the activation roll heals one level of aggravated damage. The cost for healing such damage similarly comes at a price, however. For every level of aggravated damage healed, the Hedge Magician suffers a level of painful sympathetic bashing damage. The sympathetic damage cannot be healed via applications of this path (whether by the Hedge Magician or another).
Astral Projection
Countless people have reported out-of-body experiences during near-death situations. Spiritual pilgrims worldwide have reported strange ascents to a higher plane during mediation in which they claim to have physically seen their body from the outside. A number of parapsychologists have theorized that this phenomenon is a latent experience with Astral Projection. Astral Projection is the ability to separate the consciousness from the physical body and explore the realm of pure thought — the astral plane. This strange plane of existence is believed to overlay the material world and is thought by some Psychics to be populated by angels, ghosts, living memories, or other immaterial beings. The nature of the denizens of the astral plane is as yet unknown, but it is clear that some of them are malicious and unkind.
The astral traveler must mediate for a turn, after which she leaves her physical body in a sleeping state as her spirit travels freely through the astral plane. Astral travelers move very quickly, traveling at the speed of thought. The disembodied traveler is connected to her body by an ephemeral silver cord. Other astral creatures can touch this cord, and if the cord is severed, the traveler’s consciousness becomes trapped in the astral plane. For more information about the astral plane, see pp. 138-139 of V20. The Astral Projection Numina Path is a bit different from the Auspex power of the same name, but the destination is the same.
Astral Interaction
Entities may talk, touch, and even engage in combat upon the astral plane. Since they have no physical bodies, characters using Astral Projection or otherwise dwelling therein substitute their Physical Traits for Mental and Social Traits. (Wits replaces Dexterity, Manipulation supplants Strength, and Intelligence substitutes for Stamina.) Due to his lack of a physical body, the only way to harm an astral traveler is to cut his silver cord, which is represented by the astral traveler’s Willpower score in Health Levels. For more information on psychic combat, see p. 138 of V20.
Roll: Varies
Cost: Varies
Modifiers: N/A
Duration: Based on successes
Astral Projection Levels
• The Psychic has a rudimentary awareness of the astral plane, though she cannot travel to it. She can shift her senses toward the astral realm, where she can see astral travelers and communicate with them. She must concentrate for a turn to allow her mind to adjust to competing images, after which the Psychic sees the astral realm overlaid upon the normal physical world.
•• With the expenditure of a Willpower point and a Perception + Meditation roll (difficulty 8), the Psychic can leave her body for brief periods of time and travel to the astral realm. Each success on the activation roll allows one minute of astral travel. If the Psychic wishes to push herself, she may spend a Willpower point to extend her time by an additional minute. When this time has elapsed, the Psychic snaps back to her physical body, unless something strange and dire has happened.
••• With the expenditure of a Willpower point, the Psychic can manifest her astral form in the material world. In this manner, Psychics can manifest on the other side of the world from where their physical bodies reside, using the great speed of astral travel to visit faraway locales in the form of thought. Astral travelers appear as blurry and translucent ghost versions of her usual physical appearance. Manifesting astral travelers cannot touch or affect the material world, but they can be seen by non-Psychics and speak in soft whispers.
•••• The Psychic may travel deep into the astral plane over lengthy periods of time. With the expenditure of a Willpower point and a Perception + Meditation roll (difficulty 8), the Psychic can visit the astral realm for one hour per success. If the Psychic wishes to push herself, she may spend a Willpower point to extend her time by an additional hour.
••••• With the expenditure of a Willpower point and a Manipulation + Meditation roll (difficulty 8), the astral traveler can mask her presence in the astral plane (including her silver cord) from other astral travelers. Suspicious rival Psychics and native astral entities might feel something strange, at the Storyteller’s discretion, but won’t be able to identify the source of the irritation unless they achieve more successes on a Perception + Awareness roll than the hidden astral traveler’s activation roll.
Computers were once the sequestered tools of wealthy corporations and the academic elite, but advances in technology gradually made them affordable to the rest of the world. Tonight, innumerable residents of the World of Darkness have a computer in their pockets that are more powerful than the early computers that took mankind to the moon. Indeed, there are now more laptops, mobile phones, and personal electronic devices than there are people in the world, and their invisible signals blanket the air saturating the night with numinous data. Cyberkinesis is the ability to read, understand, and control these laptops and other devices without a direct interface. Scattered reports of this relatively new Numina Path first appeared in the late 80s; as the public consciousness came to accept computers, more and more Psychics developed this talent. Vampires fear these new cyberpsychics, who wield power over the technology they use and are able to read their emails from a distance and track them via the GPS on their cellphones. For more information on computers, see pp. 263-264 of V20.
Roll: Manipulation + Technology (difficulty 7)
Cost: Varies
Modifiers: N/A
Duration: Generally instantaneous
Cyberkinesis Levels
• This level of the Path of Cyberkinesis allows the cyberpsychic to project her perceptions into an electronic device, enabling an understanding of its purpose, the principles of its functioning, and its means of operation. The cyberpsychic must touch the device and succeed at the activation roll. The number of successes on the activation roll indicates how well the cyberpsychic understands the device, from a general grasp (one success) to a holistic understanding of it, its processor architecture, its power supplies, and its data structures (five successes).
•• The cyberpsychic has an innate understanding of the weakness of electronic devices. By spending a Willpower point, touching the target, and succeeding at the activation roll, she can force a device’s power supply to surge, causing interruption or even destroying the device. This power cannot be used to directly damage a person (but the destruction of a car’s fuel injection control chip can potentially later cause a serious car crash, for example). The number of successes achieved on the activation roll determines the degree of damage done to the device. A single success results in a brownout but leaves the device unharmed. Three successes shut the device down, requiring a manual or remote restart. Five successes indicate a total shutdown and a burnt-out power supply that must be replaced before powering on again is possible. Note that many complex computer systems, such as large-scale networks and remote clouds, can’t be shut down entirely by the failure of a single device.
••• The cyberpsychic can telepathically read, encrypt, and decrypt electronic communication with amazing speed and accuracy. By touching an electronic device, she may access, encrypt, or decrypt (but not change) any data saved on that device with a successful activation roll. If the cyberpsychic has been encrypted the data, the number of successes achieved on the activation roll is applied as a penalty to the difficulty of anyone else attempting to read said data. For more information on computer use and information storage, see p. 264 of V20.
•••• The cyberpsychic can access any devices within her line of sight. This is not a form of telekinesis in which the psychic is wielding the controls. Rather, the cyberpsychic accesses the device by using a psychic version of radio waves similar to WiFi to infiltrate the device and control it from within. When connected to a device via this power, the cyberpsyhic can employ any of the other levels of the Path of Cyberkinesis without having to make physical contact.
••••• By spending a Willpower point and succeeding at the activation roll, the cyberpsychic can operate any computer or computer-assisted device she touches or has accessed via sight (as above). The cyberpsychic can activate any function of the device, running apps, browsing files, sending data to networks, opening a mechanical lock, etc. Note that any advanced or secure functions will have to be resolved via other methods, whether in the form of other applications of Cyberkinesis, or just simply knowing the password. Each success on the activation roll allows for ten minutes of control over the targeted device. Devices that are taken out of eyesight range or physical contact, as appropriate, simply disconnect from the cyberpsychic. If the device is destroyed while being controlled, the cyberpsychic suffers five points of bashing damage as haptic shock.
Some parapsychologists theorize that emotions are expressed by the human brain in a form of energy that can be absorbed by objects or places. Psychometry is the ability to read this emotional residue, called psychic resonance, and then interpret it and extrapolate information about the events and people connected to the object. Strong emotions linger and can be read by those with the special perception to feel and understand the psychic imprint. Places or objects exposed to these strong emotional signatures hold flashes of information that a psychometric can read by touch. The Psychic must touch the object and then make a Perception + Empathy roll (difficulty 7) to read the psychic resonance. Successes achieved on the activation roll determine the level of details received as per the effects chart, below. On a botch, the psychic may become lost in a dreamlike reverie, or may be harrowed by a flood of hostile emotions.
Objects with a particularly strong resonance may make it easier to find information about the owner and the Storyteller may elect to lower the difficulty of the roll. Although a toothbrush may have DNA from its owner, for example, it is unlikely to be significant since it is thrown out every three months. A locket with a family photo, on the other hand, is going to be much more important to the owner. The information discovered will depend on how the owner feels about the object and what it might mean to her. A wedding ring might reveal the location of the owner or flash to instances of the owner violating her wedding vows.
Roll: Perception + Empathy (difficulty 7)
Modifiers: Per the significance of the item or severity of the psychic resonance, as described above
Cost: 1 Willpower
Duration: Generally N/A, but higher levels yield 10 minutes or one hour per success for an active connection
Psychometry Levels
• The Psychic may read the psychic resonance of an object to learn about the identity of the owner of the object or the most significant visitor of the place. •• The Psychic may learn about everything that occurred near the object or place within the last twenty-four hours.
••• The Psychic can know and understand the complete history of the object or place. She can witness key major events that occurred in the vicinity of the object or place.
•••• The Psychic can attune herself to an object, allowing her to align her vision to the location of the owner of the object. She can then watch the owner of the object anywhere in the world for 10 minutes per success on the activation roll (as influenced by the effects, below).
••••• The Psychic may follow the psychic resonance to the owner of an object. She then learns the direction and distance of the owner of the object, anywhere in the physical or astral world (informed by the clarity of the effects, as indicated below). This connection lasts for an hour per success on the activation roll.
The number of successes achieved on the Psychometry activation roll determines the clarity of the information the Psychic receives.
One success The Psychic feels vague impressions and perceives cloudy imagery, but lacks concrete details.
Two successes The details are blurry, as though viewing them via a poorly scrambled television signal. A Psychic might see a man with dark hair, but not his specific eye color or other details.
Three successes The Psychic perceives the information as if from a distant vantage. Most of the details are difficult to discern, but others stand out in sharp clarity.
Four successes The Psychic receives a detailed view of the people, places, and events associated with the vision. She may speed up or slow down events. If she concentrates, she can pause things as though watching a movie and study the scenario.
Five successes The psychic has complete and utter control over her visions. She can stop, start, review, and observe from any angle.
Pyrokinesis is the ability to conjure fire via a glance. The Pyrokinetic must see her target and then concentrate to conjure flame at that location. The number of successes on the activation roll determines the accuracy of where the Psychic places the flame. If the target is a sentient creature, she may attempt to dodge the blast with an opposed Dexterity + Athletics roll against the number of successes on the activation roll. Fire conjured by the Path of Pyrokinesis must be released for it to have any effect. Thus, the Pyrokinetic might summon forth a palm of flame, but as long as she holds it, she suffers no damage and the fire casts no light other than being itself visible. Once the flame has been released, however, it burns normally and the Psychic has no control over it. Pyrokinetics are not immune to their own flame once it is released; they burn as easily as anyone else. Botches with Pyrokinesis tend to be singularly spectacular, as the psychic self immolates or sends flame shooting wildly about.
The Storyteller may increase the difficulty of the activation roll given any circumstances affecting the target of the flame. Setting fire to a wet log, for example, would indicate an increase of +1 to the difficulty while asbestos or water would increase the difficulty by 3. Psychics with Pyrokinetic powers may live with the constant fear that their control will slip and fire will consume everything around them. Indeed, some Pyrokinetics have woken to discover that they have set fire to their home during a violent nightmare.
Roll: Manipulation + Meditation
Cost: 1 Willpower
Modifiers: By target, as above
Duration: Once ignited, pyrokinetic fire becomes normal fire, and behaves as described on p. 297 of V20
Pyrokinesis Levels
• Candle (difficulty 3 to soak, one health level of aggravated damage per turn)
•• Palm of Flame (difficulty 4 to soak, one health level of aggravated damage per turn)
••• Campfire (difficulty 5 to soak, two health levels of aggravated damage per turn)
•••• Bonfire (difficulty 7 to soak, two health levels of Aggravated damage per turn)
••••• Inferno (difficulty 9 to soak, three health levels of Aggravated damage per turn)
Telekinesis is the ability to move things without touch, solely though the power of the mind. Objects under the Psychic’s telekinetic control may be manipulated as though she were personally holding them: They may be lifted, spun, juggled, and even thrown. Some Psychics, ignorant of their special abilities, unknowingly unleash their telekinetic power, evoking the poltergeist of many of hauntings.
A Psychic must be able to see his target and then concentrate to manipulate the object. Each success on the activation roll allows for one turn of telekinetic manipulation of the object. Five or more successes on the activation roll means that the Psychic can control the object for the duration of the scene. The psychic may attempt to maintain control after his period of control ceases. This requires a new activation roll without spending an additional Willpower point. Failure means that the psychic must make a completely new attempt the following turn. A botch means that the psychic loses control and exhausts himself for the scene, being unable to spend Willpower for its remainder.
If this power is being used to manipulate a sentient being, the subject may attempt to resist by making an opposed Willpower roll each turn the control is exercised. If the psychic has mastered the fourth level of this path, he can completely immobilize the target should he succeed in the opposed Willpower roll. If the psychic attempts to wrest an object form someone’s grasp, this requires a contested roll pitting psychic strength versus the target’s Strength Attribute. Thrown objects may be dodged by an opposed Dexterity + Athletics versus the successes generated from the initial activation roll. Damage done from thrown objects is bashing or lethal (depending on the object thrown and Storyteller discretion) and can be modulated by the psychic up to the level of mastery of the Path of Telekinesis. For example, a psychic with three levels of the Path of Telekinesis wishes to throw a rock at his enemy. The Storyteller decides that a rock does bashing damage. The player may decide to do up to three levels of bashing damage to his enemy should he succeed on the roll, if the target is unable to dodge.
Roll: Wits + Meditation
Cost: 1 Willpower
Modifiers: N/A
Duration: Based on successes and any contest from an unwilling target
Telekinesis Levels
• One pound/ one-half kilogram
•• 20 pounds/ 10 kilograms
••• 200 pounds / 100 kilograms
•••• 500 pounds / 250 kilograms
••••• 1000 pounds / 500 kilograms
One success one turn
Two successes two turns
Three successes three turns
Four successes four turns
Five successes five turns
True Faith
Faith is a sacred trust in the divine usually manifested in the form of a religion. Millions of people enrich their lives through this sacred trust, but only a blessed few have been personally touched by the divine. True Faith is a combination of this trust and a divine favor that brings forth a profound conviction that can protect an individual against the depredations of the evil, corrupt, and profane — such as the Kindred. The blessings of True Faith are very rare. Devoted worshippers of every faith exist, but only a scant few have this robust holy connection. Official religious investments are not required to have Truth Faith; characters with True Faith are not required to be priests, rabbi, or clerics to be chosen. Indeed, many men of the cloth themselves aren’t so favored as to be able to command True Faith.
Characters with True Faith have the ability to perform miracles. Some believe that the presence of these special people is a sign that whatever higher powers exist, they have not forsaken the world. The God is Light theory proposes that those with Truth Faith are ordinary mortals who have been chosen by the divine to protect the world. A few theorists believe that they are Nephilim, mortal descendants of angels or other higher beings.
Acquiring Truth Faith
True Faith is a gift of the Divine. Characters with True Faith are chosen to bear that gift for a specific purpose. It is recommended that players interested in True Faith Numina have a discussion with the Storyteller about the background and potential story for the character. The player should select a religion or creed that fits with the character’s background and story.
The manifestation of True Faith often requires that the Faithful individual suffer through a crisis, a “dark night of the soul” in which the universe seems to test her belief and resolve. Many of the Faithful have spent long periods of contemplation considering the many facets of their faith as it applies to the world, considering how best to follow the tenets of their faith. Should they fail to follow the mandates of their faith (as determined by the Storyteller), the character must make a Conscience roll at a difficulty of 9 to resist the wavering of their True Faith and the concurrent loss of a level in the Numina. Characters who flagrantly disregard the core beliefs of their faith find that their connection to the divine becomes more and more distant.
Regaining faith is much harder once an individual has lost it. This can be an intense storytelling experience for a hunter as the character experiences a true crisis of faith and must work diligently and piously to return to the good graces of the Divine. Whether gaining, losing, or regaining True Faith, such a story element should be treated as a strong dramatically turning point in a character's development.
As well, Storytellers are encouraged to handle True Faith with care. On the one hand, the close relationship of True Faith with real world religions requires respectful treatment of that faith in representation. At the same time, the reduction of the ways of higher powers to an abstracted system of dice rolls and “powers” can undermine the gravity of what the Numina represents.
No character may begin a chronicle with more than one level of the True Faith Numina.
Increasing Truth Faith
True Faith is increased by acts of devotion toward the character’s revered higher power or cause. Additional points are awarded only at the Storyteller's discretion, based on appropriate behavior and deeds. Storytellers should closely consider the Faithfull’s actions during the course of the story and inform the player when she believes that it is appropriate that next level be purchased.
Systems for True Faith
Unlike the other Numina Paths, True Faith only has a single path.
True Faith grants the believers special benefits:
• Each level of True Faith grants an extra point of Willpower.
• Each point of True Faith acts as a die of divine protection to resist the effects of Numina, vampire Disciplines, or other supernatural powers. When the character would be affected by a Kindred Discipline or other power, the player may spend a point of Willpower and roll the character’s True Faith rating as a dice pool against a difficulty of 7. Successes earned on this roll subtract successes from the activation roll of the power in question. This protection affects only powers that would directly affect the character, and only if a dice roll is required to determine their degree of success. It offers no protection against passive or indirect uses of powers such as Aura Perception or Fortitude. The True Faith Numina, like any other, has a rating of 1 to 5. Exactly what protection is afforded to the individual depends on this rating, as described below. At their discretion, Storytellers may wish to amend or alter these benefits to reflect the intervention of higher powers as it illustrates the themes of their own chronicles.
True Faith Levels
• Any character with True Faith may attempt to repel vampires, ghosts, and other supernatural creatures by brandishing a holy symbol or uttering prayers. The Faithful spends a Willpower point and rolls her True Faith rating against a difficulty equal to the vampire’s permanent Willpower. The number of successes indicates the number of turns that the vampire or other creature must flee from the character while she invokes the protection of prayer or the holy symbol. Further, if the cross or other symbol is placed against the vampire’s body, each success causes a level of aggravated damage, burning into the creature’s flesh. If the roll yields no successes, the vampire need not step back, but may not advance. A botch indicates that the vampire may advance unhindered.
•• The Faithful may sense the presence of a vampire. She need not consciously try to detect the vampire's presence, but must be in peaceful, quiet surroundings, perhaps alone in thought, praying, reading a religious book, meditating, etc. The Faithful will not sense the vampire if she is preoccupied (e.g. arguing) or in a crowded, noisy place (jostled by a mob, in the midst of a party, etc.). This ability doesn’t light up the vampire like a beacon; the Storyteller reveal the presence of the vampire only when the Faithfull’s attention would indicate such. Note that the individual doesn’t know exactly what she senses through her faith. All she knows is that something sinister is nearby.
••• The Faithful is immune to Dominate, Dementation, Obfuscate, Chimerstry, and other supernatural effects that confound the mind.
•••• The Faithful may not be turned into a ghoul. She is unaffected by Presence and other supernatural effects that manipulate emotions.
••••• The mere presence of the Faithful may fill a vampire or other supernatural creature with self-loathing, disgust, terror, even physical pain. Any vampire who hears the Faithful pray or preach, or who is touched by the Faithful must make a Rötschreck roll (difficulty 9) to resist fleeing immediately and for the duration of the scene. A vampire who is unable to flee is reduced to a gibbering wreck, flailing on the floor, screaming, sobbing, or begging for mercy.
Miracles of True Faith
A miracle is an instance of direct divine intervention. The Faithful often pray to the divine as a form of worship and meditation. On rare and inspiring occasions, the divine answers a prayer in the form of a miracle. Such miracles should be rare, never more than one in a story, and always dramatic.
The Storyteller should examine the motivation of the character invoking the miracle. The divine likely doesn’t care if the Faithful wants to drive a luxury car, win the lottery, or even survive an encounter with a random vampire. Every religion has martyrs and sometimes death is in the divine plan. Prayers that are selfless and seek to help or inspire others have the best chance of being answered. No hard and fast system for invoking miracles exists it’s simply a dramatic reminder that Faithful individuals bear a divine duty, and can occasionally serve as conduits for their greater power’s will in the world.
Miracles are impossible to define mechanically as they should be specifically tailored to the situation. Some examples include:
• Helping a woman stricken barren be able to carry a child
• Curing a terrible and painful disease such as cancer
• Helping someone trapped under a collapsed building
• Finding yourself at the side of a friend in desperate need

"Boards don't hit back." - Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon
Melee Weapons
Weapon | Damage | Conceal |
Baseball bat | Strength +2 | T |
Knife | Strength +1 | J |
Body Armor
Class | Armor Rating | Penalty | Notes |
Class Three (Kevlar vest) | 3+ | 0 | B/L/A Protects against physical attacks. |
Type | Damage | Range | Rate | Capacity | Conceal |
Smith & Wesson M&P .40 | 8 | 15 | 3 | 15 + 1 | J |
Remington 870 | 8 | 30 | 1 (Spray at long range, uses 1 shot) | 4 + 1++ | T |
1965 Pontiac GTO
Vehicle | Safe Speed (mph) | Max Speed (mph) | Maneuver |
Sports Car | 75 | 150 | 8 |
Useful Codes
&Adesc me=think ** %ch%cy%N ([strtrunc(get(%#/sex),1)])%cn looked at you. **
Example: ** Castle (M) looked at you. **
&AFINGER me=@pemit me=%n +fingered you.
Example: Castle +fingered you.
@lock Exit Name=me (locks door)
@unlock Exit Name (unlocks door)
Notes on Spirits
Gaffling, Jaggling, Incarna, Celestine are the 'size' category. Bane's can fall into each category.
Government Agent
Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 3, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Computer 1, Drive 3, Firearms 3, Investigation 4, Melee 2, Occult 1, Politics 2, Stealth 2
Pools: Humanity: 6 to 8, Willpower: 7
Equipment: Heavy pistol, black suit, sunglasses, badge and ID card, electronic surveillance devices
Arcanum Scholar
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 4,
Intelligence 4, Wits 3
Abilities: Academics 4 (or higher), Athletics 1, Computer 3, Drive 1, Etiquette 2, Expression 2, Investigation 3, Melee 1, Occult 4, Science 3
Pools: Humanity: 8, Willpower: 7
Equipment: Laptop or tablet computer, extensive library, sedan, collected occult paraphernalia, sizable bank account
Criminal Enforcer/Boss
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 3, Manipulation 4, Appearance 1, Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Drive 2, Finance 2, Firearms 3 (or higher), Larceny 3, Melee 2, Stealth 2, Streetwise 3 (or higher), Subterfuge 2
Pools: Humanity: 6 (often lower), Willpower: 6
Equipment: SMG, bulletproof vest, midsized car, knife, digital copy of detailed operations
Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3
Abilities: Academics (Theology) 3, Alertness 2, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, Drive 1, Expression 2, Leadership 3, Melee (Sword-Cane) 3, Occult 3, Stealth 2
Pools: Humanity: 5 to 10 (Inquisitors can be holy or as depraved as the monsters they fight), Willpower: 9
Equipment: Sword-cane, rosaries, crucifix, stakes, Bible, propane torch
Note: A few Inquisitors have ratings of 1 or higher in the True Faith Trait. Such individuals usually, though not necessarily, have Humanity ratings of 9 or above.
Vampire Neonate
Sect: Sabbat, Clan: Brujah, Generation: 10th
Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3, Charisma 2, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2, Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Computer 1, Drive 2, Firearms 2, Investigation 1, Melee 3, Occult 3, Performance 1, Politics 1, Stealth 2
Disciplines: Celerity 2, Fortitude 2, Potence 3, Presence 1
Pools: Blood Pool 13/13, Morality: Path of Honorable Accord 5, Willpower: 6
Equipment: Heavy pistol