Zach Penn/Contacts

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Maya: She's been there for me a number of times now. Maybe someday she'll see herself in a light half as flattering as she sees me.
Skylar: She's got choices to make, but has to come to grips with her Second Noble Truth, first. "Fake it 'til you make it" still requires you to be willing to make it.
Graham: An okay Hermetic. Which basically puts him at the top of the bottom bracket, but hey... credit where it's due. I'm... cutting him some slack for now.
Shadi: This العصبي is a terror, to be sure. I could respect that if she weren't such a teenager.
Jack: Meh? I mean, he keeps to himself. I keep to myself. I think he's Hungarian or maybe Serbian? Whatever, Maya's fond of him, and that's enough I guess. Not like I've got a leg to criticize.
Kai: I don't get you. But at least you're probably not trying to kill me.
Ahana: I don't trust chance meetings, especially not heavily armed ones, but I guess she's going to have to learn to protect herself sooner or later.
Alexandra: I can't tell you much, beyond that she's got acid for blood. Oh, also that she went to college in *offensively effeminate hand gesture* New Haven.
Arthur: The problem with someone who isn't put off by my rep is that while it's nice to get free food... you have to wonder about their ethics, given what folks say about me.
Emma: Not really sporting to go after her like that, but if she's gonna make it so easy...
Sandra & Oliver: Get. A. Room. With like, doors and shit. Seriously give me like, $200 and one trip to Home Depot and that whole situation could've been avoided.
Anthony: *pinches the bridge of his nose* Maya...
Amane: Oh man, what have I gotten myself into this time?
Mack: Hope you gave whatever trouble you had the slip.
Hikaru: I could do without the hard sell pitch, but she pays on time, in cash, and the project was cool so... whatever, I guess.